Wednesday, May 30, 2012
New Gators
Hey I am sorry that this is coming to you guys late.
We were pretty busy these last 2 days so I just wanted to write a quick email to you guys just to let you guys know that I love you and lets just say I am very excited to come and see you all again pretty soon!
The work is going good, we have found some new gators this last week and are excited to start teaching them this week and we have been doing a lot of work to motivate the ward to do some missionary work so that has been pretty fun as well.
Anyways, bike is working pretty well now. The only issue now is the pedal.. it is just crooked because the part that attaches to the pedal got stripped or something so I had to just brute force the pedal into the socket and it is pretty ghetto but it works for the most part. I love you guys very much and I can't fathom coming back!
The gospel is true!
see ya soon!
<3 Elder Ballif <3