Tuesday, October 25, 2011

First Week as District Leader

Hey family,

I hope you guys are doing good. My first week as District Leader was a little stressful, lets just say I hope things improve quickly. I don't really know what God wants me to learn this transfer with the situation I have been put in... but I guess I will just deal with it.

I hope that you had a great birthday my momma... I sent something but it might not be there until either today or tomorrow, so a little late.. But better late then never has been a motto of mine for a while.

I love you very much and long for July 2012.. especially right now. Well, I don't really have anything else to say this week. I have been reading D&C, I am in the 66th Section I believe. But I might pause that and read the Pearl.

I love you guys,

Elder Ballif

Monday, October 17, 2011

New Companion and New Calling

Hey my wonderful loving family,

It sounds like you guys are doing well and having a good time. Thank you for your insights and thoughts, I love and do take into account what you all have to say. I have been working on being more teachable. I feel like I know that I am not perfect but then again sometimes I feel like I know best.. frankly, I need to break that ego of mine.

So about transfers, Elder Acuna is getting transferred to Bend. And I am getting a companion that is about to go home next month named Elder Redfern.

Also I have been called as a District Leader for the Santa Clara district in Eugene Oregon. I'm a little worried about some things but I have faith that God will help me as I trust him and do my best. He hasn't failed to disappoint yet.. ;)

The work here is going alright, we just got some referrals and we are working with a few investigators and less actives but nothing too dandy to report. My ward is cool too, my Ward Mission Leader is awesome. I like the members, and the area isn't so bad.

Just so you know, I am NOT getting a flu shot. That has not changed nor ever will change. If they got the nose spray I can consider it.

Well I love you guys and I pray for you all, night and day!

Happy Birthday to you all that have just had one, (Kim, and Ellie) and also Momma, You have a great birthday as well on the 22nd! I love you very much and I miss you like Jacob misses Bella................ what?????????!?

have a good week

(yes I just referenced Twilight...)


Elder Ballif

Thursday, October 13, 2011

P-Day Switched this Week

Hey family,

Sorry that this email is a bit late... Our p day was switched around due to Elder Koelliker of the 70 coming to our mission for a visit. Which was a good experience, you can just tell from meeting him that he is a man of God.

Well elder Acuna and I are doing well, that is cool that Josh just left. I love you guys and I will write more next week due to transfers!!! We don't know what will happen..

Love, Elder Ballif

Monday, October 3, 2011

He is Alive!

Hey family,

I hope you guys are doing well! Sorry for the inconsistency of my emailing.. our computer access was very faulty, but we have figured it out so it should not be an issue

I am glad you guys had fun at Fish lake, that sounded like a blast! unfortunately I don't think I grew up like fishing too much so trying to get me to go with you guys
will be quite a treat. You guys could bribe me... just a thought. ;)

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed conference! I know I enjoyed all 10 hours of it. I really enjoyed the Saturday afternoon session. I really liked Elder Uchtdorf's talk.
(about potential)

I got to see the end of the BYU v Utah State game which was quite a journey.. I feel like from what I saw that Jake Heaps is still too young, And that Ryley is a better leader for them this year.. but I'm sure they will be playing Jake Heaps as the starter and he will do marginal like he has been I have heard--so whatever.

We are doing well, we are not hurt or anything. We are getting along famously actually, He is a very nice man child. The only thing that is really frustrating me at the moment is that I can't seem to set up Basketball any of the weeks I have been here except the first and we have the biggest zone in the mission, it makes me want to go climb Mount Hood and cry and punch dance my rage on the top of those rigorously treacherous slopes. Or get a an Ice cream cone.. both would work.

I usually get to go play some ball and it gets my mind off of the other things.. but not here. It hurts my soul. Basketball is what balances out my Ying and Yang! and my zen. Sorry I just got done reading the Art of War. Perfect reading for a missionary! ;)

Anyways I love yall and I pray that God is watching over you all.

Elder Ballif!