Hey family,
Hope you guys had a fantastic week.. My week was alright..... We are doing really well as a companionship work wise and we have a lot of people we are working with but most of them smoke and they are too scared or busy to come to church. I read an excerpt out of the "Teachings of the Prophets: Joseph Smith" with a less active member that we are trying to reactivate. I felt the spirit very strongly when i read that to her.. probably more then i have ever in a lesson so far.. I really love Joseph Smith. I am really jealous of all the stuff that happened to him and how much strength he drew from the Grace of God. He was almost Illiterate and then all the sudden he was one of the smartest men that has lived on the earth. But i think that i will learn all that i will need to know for my time on the Earth.
I am really getting frustrated because all i want to do now is study like crazy and learn as much as God will allow me. My follow up trainer Elder Matthews is teaching me a lot, he knows more then he should for how old he is. The only thing he was missing in his life was sincere prayer and that is what i am good at. So we have taught each other a thing or two :)
We went and took pictures at Oregon State stadium today on the field.. and we saw Jaquizz Rodgers there doing his workouts in prep for the Falcons. He's got quite a bit of meat on those bones. Too bad he is like 5'7.. But the sister missionaries with us went red because he took his shirt off. it was pretty funny.
Anyways not much has changed.. i am doing really well.. i need to lose a little bit of weight.. and my goal is to be able to slam a basketball pretty good by the time my mission is over. And to be able to memorize where all the important verses are in the scriptures. I am excited to see the progression!
Well.. i love you guys and i hope you have an excellent week. I will try to have the same. I just need to stick this last 3 weeks out with this work horse then i get to have a baby!
love ya,
Elder Ballif